20 Dec 2021
Hey everyone! This week was full of amazing miracles! But first let’s start with Tuesday.
On Tuesday, we had our multizone conference. It was awesome! During the entire day, we played games, opened presents, ate amazing food, and performed some skits. Me and my district of 10 elders acted out a scene from the Polar Express. The part where the conductor asks the kids if they want hot chocolate, and then all the servers jump out and serve them. It was great. We all bought chocolate and brought bowls and wore our long sleeve white shirts around our waists so it made us look like waiters. Great day….until my comp left his bag in a taxi and it drove off….híjole hermano.
On Wednesday, Elder Rosier and I went to the edge of our area, a place called Cerro Alto. The walk is killer and the hills are insane. To get there, we’re basically walking at a 60° angle the entire time. We only had one lesson planned up there, but since we were a bit early, we stopped by some houses. We knocked on the house of someone we knew and they let us in. So we got to talk and share a message with all of them. After we went to our planned lesson with Luz Maria and her two children. The lesson was great and they really seemed interested!
The best part came after the lesson! Once we were done, a little girl comes running down the hill and says that her parents want us to come over. We never met this girl before, but we said yes. We walk up the hill and the dad and mom welcome us in, and a few seconds later the family that we just taught walks in too. So now there’s me and my comp, the family of three we just taught, and this new family of three. The dad tells us to sit down, and then everyone else forms a half circle around us, and the dad says, “we’re listening”. That caught me a little off guard, but then I began explaining to him what we do as missionaries and how we just taught this other family. He pulls out this super old and torn up Bible and flips to a scripture and points at it without saying anything. So I grabbed it, read it, and asked if he had a specific question about it. We began answering his questions and his doubts. We agreed on a lot of things too. He believes that there should only be one true church on the earth today, just like Christ established. And how God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost are 3 different beings, but all work in unity and for one purpose. About an hour later, towards the end of our convo, he asks us to bare our testimony. This was awesome. I got to share my testimony and everything I believe and know is true with a man I just happened to meet an hour ago. We then ate tamales and drank coke with them all, while he bumped classic 70’s music.
On Thursday, we had an awesome family home evening with Arely and Larissa and Hno Rejón and his wife Hna Flor and his son Kevin. That family is the best. Hna Flor is so funny and says whatever she wants (better no let what she says get to you) and Kevin is a beast. He’s 18 and leaves for his mission in February! We had a great lesson and afterwards we played jenga.
Friday, we had an early morning lesson with Andrea and her family. This lesson was amazing. We’ve been meeting with them for about 4 weeks, and the last time we met with her, we asked her to pray about the Book of Mormon and to know if our messages were true. She received an answer and told us she felt a sense of peace and calmness. Then right after the lesson we headed over to the church to start our exchanges. For the day Elder Magleby, my zone leader, came with me to my area and we went to Cerro Alto again and taught some great lessons together.
Saturday, we finished the exchanges and Elder Rosier and I were back together. We made cookies with the other Elders in our ward Elder Olcott and Elder Stoddard. Then we changed houses and upgraded big time. Now we have an air-conditioned house.
Sunday was Elder Rosiers Bday. We had a cake, pizza, and ate fish tacos with our bishop and his family. We also had a crazy cool first lesson with a family that we found. They literally told us that they want to return to church, that they’re getting married in February, and that they want to get baptized. They said they’ll be coming to church next Sunday!!
It’s been awesome because we’ve been praying to find full families to teach, and that’s exactly what we did this week! Heavenly Father listens and answers each and everyone of our prayers!
Have a great week, and a great Christmas!